At age 19 I chose to leave my family in Providence Utah for 2 years, to spread the Gospel to the people of New Zealand, so they can be with their families for Eternity...

Save the date: 9-9-9:00

Monday, November 21, 2011


Kia ora!!

     Wow, I realized I forgot to mention that last week was transfers.  It came so fast that I didn't realize it till Tuesday.  Elder Kitara and I are both staying for another transfer.  So that makes 2 companions for 2 transfers, and all the rest just one each.  And so we get to start again at week 1.    I forgot that Thanksgiving is coming up this week too.  And no, they don't celebrate it here at all.  Most people ask, what's that?  I usually say its an excuse to get off work, meet with family, and eat.  Most people here like that idea.  So we don't have any plans for thanksgiving.  Well that day falls on a day that the ward members feed us, and the family that signed up, Elder Kitara says they usually put on big feeds for the missionaries.  So I might get something haha.  
     And that means Christmas is just a month away.  I'm sure looking forward to the phone call home.  It'll be good to hear you guys again.  Christmas is on a Sunday, and so they're going to do a combined 2 ward, 1 hour Sacrament meeting.  Tomorrow is a Zone Conference, so I'm not sure if the mission is going to do a Christmas thing.  I sure hope its like last year.  It was pretty fun.  We had a variety show, islanders singing, a devotional and a big feed.  I've come to realize that something one missionary told me in the MTC is true.  He said "if you go hungry in NZ its your own fault."  The members feed us pretty good everywhere we go.  This is the best mission in the world.  
     Yesterday the speakers didn't show up for sacrament, and so over the pulpit the 1st counselor asked both of us to speak about service for 5-10 minutes each.  Its a good thing I've already started preparing my talk for next week, and so I used a bit about charity and selflessness from that talk.  So hopefully this ward doesn't get sick of me talking.  
    Other than that, not much is happening here in Kiwi-country.  Thanks for your prayers and I keep you in mine.  Love you all!!

Elder Sorensen
Service Project- Before

Service Project- After

I found a lizard...

 ...TO EAT!!!

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